How to decrease stress and Simplify your life.
what are the importance on keeping life simple and how?
Peter Lo LMFT
11/1/20242 min read
In our day-to-day life, we have encountered many different stress/ anxiety. However, most of our stress and anxiety is coming from trying to get our life. In a world where we’re bombarded by advice, pressures, and “perfect” lives on social media, we often feel like we need to care deeply about everything. Due to these ideas, we usually overwhelm ourselves with too many things that are out of our control or things that have not happened yet. If you are looking for ways to ease your day-to-day stress here is a suggested reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” by Mark Manson. As a Psycho Therapist, I really enjoy this book personally and many of my clients who read this book have some ideas on how to make their life easier and less stressful. Here are some highlights of what this book will discuss.
1. Reassess What Deserves Your Attention We have many worries in our lives. What is the most common statement you will hear from others is “Don’t worry about it” but the issue with that is we actually spend more time trying not to worry. Instead of don’t worry about it, it should be what should I worry first. Our energy is limited, so we need to be selective and assess what needs your attention.
2. Accepting That Life Comes With Struggles Instead of trying to live a perfect life free of problems, Manson argues that we should embrace the reality that life is messy. Being able to embrace struggles will strengthen our minds and normalize challenges and struggles because we have come to accept them.
3. Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations Many of us are constantly aiming for idealized versions of ourselves. We want to be successful, beautiful, and loved by all. But this constant striving can be exhausting. Manson suggests accepting ourselves as we are—flaws, failures, and all. This doesn’t mean giving up on growth but rather understanding that we don’t need to be “perfect” to live a good life. Letting go of unrealistic standards allows us to focus on authentic goals and live more freely.
4. Understand That Failure is Part of the Process Yes, I think this is a statement we all hear and know about, but I think it is always good to remind ourselves that failure is what helps us learn and grow. Manson encourages us to embrace failure as a natural part of success. Trying to avoid mistakes means we never take risks or leave our comfort zones.
5. Practice the Art of Saying No This is a really important skill to adapt. Because very often it is hard for us to say no due to we feel if we say no we will not be liked by others. This is an issues often comes from one’up bringing and life experience. Practicing this “art of saying no” allows us to reserve our energy and passion for what truly matters. Saying no is empowering—it gives us the time and energy to focus on meaningful goals, strengthen relationships, and build a life based on our terms.
Resource: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” by Mark Manson

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